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Online Resources
Guide: Reporting to the Royal Commission on Sexual Abuse
The Network for Survivors of Abuse in Faith-based Institutions has published a guide for survivors who want to report to the Royal Commission.
From our people
On this page you will find content such as poems and stories from those who have become a part of Male Support Services Waikato. We thank you for generously sharing your moments with us.
From The Police
Police have produced a series of videos for victims of sexual assault that outlines what is involved in reporting a sexual assault to them. We collaborated with various support agencies in creating these videos and our goal is that they become a useful resource, are widely shared and of course reach victims and others who can benefit most from this information.
Please click the above link to view a comprehensive book list which will hopefully cover an area specific to your need. We have most of the books in our Library and are more than happy to lend these books to clients if required, just contact us. (Big Thanks to Angie who put the hours in compiling the books and references to make it easy for you).
Lodging sexual assault claims with the police
The website has sections on:
- Sexual assault and consent
- Effects of sexual assault
- What can I do if I have been sexually assaulted
- Myths and facts
- Effects of sexual assault
- Victims’ rights
- Useful links
- Safety advice
- Feedback
The site provides a single place where members of the public can find out information on how to report a sexual assault and where to get specialist support.

A key aspect of the website is the ‘Feedback’ section where victims of sexual assault can complete a short survey to provide feedback to Police on specific areas of the investigation, from how they were treated when they first spoke to Police, through to the ongoing investigation and the final result.
Victims are also able to provide feedback on the support and communication that they were provided with throughout their dealings with Police. The survey may be completed anonymously.
Community Law
There are 24 Community Law Centres throughout Aotearoa New Zealand, and they send lawyers to over 120 outreach locations.
They’re in big cities and tiny towns, from the West Coast to Waitematā.
Community Law hold free advice clinics, find more information at their website communitylaw.org.nz
Drug Dangers
The goal at Drug Dangers is to keep the public educated and informed of all defective medical devices and dangerous medications that are currently on the market.
As an online resource sponsored by Seeger Weiss LLP, Drug Dangers strives to provide accurate, relevant medical information all in one place. Under the unfortunate circumstance that you or a loved one has been injured by faulty medications or devices, the attorneys of Seeger Weiss are committed to helping you receive the justice you deserve.
thelighthouseproject.co.nz – The PORN conversation
Porn is a powerful teacher, so we thought it’s time to start talking about it with our young people and asking some questions.
Questions like …– What is porn teaching us about sex?– Is porn a good sex educator?– Can watching porn change how we think and behave?
An Australian site with amazing downloads and resources.
Male Support Services Waikato
Check out our Facebook page. Lots of different articles to be found there.
Male Survivor ORG
American site and lots of good information and support.
Survivor ORG
New Zealand Male Survivors (Go Ken).
You Me Us
You, Me, Us is all about queer, trans* and takatapui people, having healthy relationships with each other, and what we can do when things go wrong.
Who are you?
Initiated and launched in Wellington, New Zealand, this ground-breaking multi-media campaign is a collaborative effort from Tū Pakari Ora – Sexual Assault Assessment and Treatment Services, Sexual Abuse Prevention Network, Wellington Sexual Health, Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation, Radio Network Wellington, Hutt Rape Counselling Network, Wellington Police, Doctors for Sexual Abuse Care and Regional Public Health.
Steps To housing
Finding a place to live long-term can seem like a daunting task, but with the right information you can move forward with confidence. Here’s how to navigate the path that leads to a home of your own.